Yay, it has my name in it. Now back to being serious...
As much as I'd love the server to keep going, personally, I've nearly lost my hopes on restoring it to proper greatness. And I refuse to vote... Truth to be told, I can't actually decide. So it's up to you guys.
Having to sell the dedicated server sucks... really. However it must be nearly unused... decently refundable. At least I hope so. Having one yourself would be cheaper in the long run. But renting a server would solve many problems. And It's also not that expensive since Jonas can afford it.
I haven't seen the prices myself...
And another thing... About getting players. There are so many servers out there now so we have to stand out to get some of the decent players. Server logo, or a picture of staff on the forum's thread. PvP perhaps, at least in certain zones. The redstone currency system we used now is quite dated, and I doubt anyone will find it attractive. Getting lag after logging in is another thing. People assume that it's always like that and simply leave. It's actually all doable.
And so he went back to eating Valentine's Day candy and listening to deeply depressive music.